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Message to Tatiana Pilyugina

Tatiana Pilyugina - Russian babysitter in Fredericksburg VA

Tatiana Pilyugina

(550) 684-0650
(550) 684-0650

About Tatiana Pilyugina

Hello! My name is Tatiana. I live in downtown of Fredericksburg and have a good experience with babysitting from 1 to 15 year old kids. I can take care of kids in my house , I have beautiful park in front of my house and trails. I am legal, vaccinated , driving car person. 


Skill: Conversational Babysitter
Skill: Conversational Babysitter


Primary Office Location

pin 2510 Caroline Street Fredericksburg VA 22401

pin (550) 684-0650


Message Tatiana Pilyugina
(550) 684-0650